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Troubleshoot slow Broadband speeds

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If things are going a little slow there's a few steps you can try to get back up to speed.

A slow broadband connection can be frustrating. Especially when you're trying to stream your favourite Netflix show or take a video call.

There are several factors that can slow down your internet connection. It's important to identify what the issue is and find out what's causing it.

Some of these factors are within your control. For example, your in-home WiFi setup or the devices you're using. Other factors that can cause slow internet are external. These include the location of the server you're connected to, the network capability and outages.



Step 1: Identify the issue

The first step is to identify whether your speed issue relates to your device or to the setup within your home.

If you experience slow speed on only one device, it's likely that it's the device limiting the speed. If you're connected via WiFi it could also be that your device is too far away from the modem.

Some older devices that have become outdated may be unable to process higher speeds. This causes them to limit the speed you receive on them.

Make sure your device's antivirus software is up to date. Certain viruses and malware can slow down the speed you experience on the device.

If the speed is slow on multiple devices, check for WiFi interference or whether there's an outage causing this issue. Simple troubleshooting steps like restarting your modem may resolve the problem.

Step 2: Run a speed test

To figure out whether the problem is with your speed, run a speed test. You can then compare the speeds you're getting with the average speeds for your plan.

There are different ways to run a speed test, with different levels of reliability. Getting the most accurate result will best help you identify what's causing the problem. There are various internal and external factors that could cause your speed to vary from the national average peak time speed for your plan.

Find out how to run a speed test

Step 3: Check and troubleshoot your in-home setup

Now you know your broadband speed, we recommend checking your in-home setup. You can do some troubleshooting on it to make the most of your internet connection.

Devices that connect over WiFi may not connect with the same speed as advertised on your plan. The device itself can also impact your speed.

Step 4: Contact us

By now you would have run speed tests at different times (including peak time) and have checked your devices and your in-home setup. If you're still experiencing slow internet speeds, please contact Skinny's Care team for more help.



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