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iPhone 12

How to update software on your phone

Learn how to update your iPhone to the latest version of iOS. This may improve performance and fix any software issues. Note: It is not possible to revert to an older version of your device’s software once you have completed an update.

Step 1:

Tap Settings.

Step 2:

Tap General.

Step 3:

Tap Software Update. Your phone will now search for available updates.

Step 4:

Tap Download and Install. If a message asks to temporarily remove apps because the software needs more space for the update, tap Continue or Cancel. Later, iOS will reinstall apps that it removed.

Step 5:

To update now, tap Install. Or you can tap Later and choose Install Tonight or Remind Me Later. If you tap Install Tonight, just plug your device into power before you go to sleep. Your device will update automatically overnight.

You should now have the latest available update for your iPhone.